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Taxation of a Cyprus Company

Cyprus is considered a primary international business center amongst 50 countries, offering an ideal entrepreneurial environment and...

Cyprus Tax Rates

Cyprus Corporate tax rates – An easy to understand summary The Corporate income tax rate is 12.5%. Exemptions from corporation tax...

VAT (Value Added Tax)

2023: Cyprus VAT (Value Added Tax) guide and information Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced on 1 July 1992 and is imposed on the...

Special Contribution for Defence

In Cyprus, a Special contribution for defence is imposed on certain types of income. Non-residents are exempt from this contribution....

Double Tax Treaties

Cyprus Double Tax treaties for the avoidance of Double Taxation with over 65 countries The following tables show the rates of withholding...

Company Re-Organisations

Our expert team of auditors, accountants, and consultants can assist and advise on your company re-organization. The transfer of assets...

Shipping Companies

Shipping Companies in Cyprus and abroad No tax is payable on the profits from the operation of a vessel registered in Cyprus or on the...

Insurance Companies

Information about Insurance Companies Life business losses can be offset against profits of the general business Losses of the life...

Pension Income in Cyprus

The pension income of any individual residing in the Republic, which arises from services rendered abroad, is taxed at: a rate of 5% for...

Intellectual Property Rights

The gross income arising from intellectual property rights, other exploitation rights, compensations, or other similar income arising...

Firm Royalties

Firm Royalties, incentives, and opportunities The gross income derived by a non-resident person in respect of royalties arising from film...

Capital Gains Tax

Full capital gains tax exemption on capital gains, except on sale of immovable property situated in Cyprus Capital Gains Tax is imposed...

Cyprus Property Tax

In Cyprus, Immovable Property Tax is payable on 30 September each year It is imposed on the market value of the property as of 1 January...

Special Levy Tax

As from 2011 an annual levy of €350 payable to the Registrar of companies is introduced for all companies incorporated in Cyprus For...

Cyprus Companies

The law in Cyprus governing companies is the Companies Law, Chapter 113 of the Statute Laws of Cyprus, which is based on the Companies...

Human Resources in Cyprus

Cyprus ranks among the leading four countries in the world as to the proportion of university graduates to the population A great number...

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